Welcome to the Realm of the NightTigress.... Herein within these pages you will find the Many faces and names that This Tigress cloaks herself within in this Dark World..... Vampires, Shapeshifters, Mysterious Beings... On and all... different backgrounds, makes and models... All backed by the fiery spark that is I...........

Herein you will find resources enough to your hearts content...Links and information... and little whispers of madness to draw you in deeper.....

All images and info contained herein are the copyrighted property of either: NightTigress (aka. K~Shay), the original artists, and most especially White Wolf Games... None of the info contained herein attempts in anyway to challenge these rights.

Kymberly StormNyara SnowKytSavynnh FeatherWind

Kansas` FoxxMinor CharactersFellow Players
