
All About Nyara, the
.... in Common...NyaraKyt...
*A Bastet, or werefeline, of the tribe of Khan(tiger).
*Female, 22 winters old, standing at 6'2",
5'10" in human form.
I was rasied as a Scout and a Shaman for the Khan from
kittenhood, and was sent on my last mission 3 years ago,
to search for some sign of contact with our totem... to
no avail....
A Black Spiral Dancer claimed my entire village... It is
my deepest secret that it was my own mother who was that
Black Spiral Dancer....I buried the bodies of my
kin...and....well... that is a story best left untold to
I soon realized that my current mission was
pointless...and devastated by the realized loss of all my
kin and kind, I roamed aimlessly, haunting the dark
shadows and places of the night
My natural gifts, besides my superior feline instincts,
include the ability to heal myself and others, reading
minds, and of course, the ability to assume human form at
will, although I do not enjoy it, but do so out of
neccessity. I was trained and became a master of archery
and dagger-lore. There is of course, my hidden talent,
unknown to all but me at present, the ability to put my
allies or enemies in a hypnotic trance by a certain
I am an easy-going Bastet, considered almost genteel by
my kin, although most humans find me a bit
overbearing...I am quite playfull and mischivious until I
feel that I or my kin or kind are threatened, at which
point, my predator instincts, quickly come to the
fore.....at which point I am lethal, quickly overcoming
any mortal...and a good match for most Leeches,...erm...
Kindred..for which there are other means... Stay on my
good side, and you'll not need to learn what the claws do
best, my friend.

After an unpleasant encounter with a time mage, by the
name of Price ... I find my entire world
upside down... A marriage I had now never happend and
cubs I bore were never born...yet I bear the meories and
pain of their loss... I escaped back home to Ireland with
my rediscovered brother, Jaryth, my Pride Chief and we
two are the last of the SnowKyt Pride....In my homeland,
and in the familair embrace of the Umbra.. I re-trained
myself as Kahn... relearning what too much time among the
leeches had made me forget.... I am myslef again... I am
a SnowKyt once more.

Many oppurtunites await... I reclaimed my one true love,
SilverBo|t, many trials and tests will appear to
challenge our love... but he is strong as am I... and we
will grow more so with time... I wait for the day to
avenge my honor for insults and threats against my
beloved... The wrongs will be righted.. my honor demands

{{OOC: for those of
you truly wish to spoil all my fun... you are more than
welcome to see a pic of the Tigress behind the Khan....
just click Here! }}
