Minor Characters
Jaryth SnowKyt: NyaraKyt's Older brother
and only survivng relative or freind from the massacre of
her village 3 years ago... Now technically her Pride
Chief... A proud and aloof man.. looks down on humans and
hates the Kindred....and his sisters association with
them....{{No storyline in progress}}
Cyne`Burh`Leah: A mysterious being of
Nyara's acquaintance from Ireland... a self-proclaimed
banshee with no qualms anout proving her power, which are
great and so far unlimited.. meddlesome and cruel... Has
a tendency to play mind and power games with those she
sees as less than herself.. which includes everyone... Currently entrapped in Nyara SnowKyt's Den realm
Johnathon Pacific: A mysterious Kindred who has moved into
Kymberly's turf... rtying to seduce her herd from her,
and make her life more chaotic than usual....Deceased,
possibly framed by Asagore...
