Kymberly Storm Kymberly Storm enters, black, floor-length duster covering her 5'10" lithe form in black jeans and red half-top. A black Stetson shades her silver eyes from immediate view. Her cowboy boots thump softly,the spur jingling . An intricately beaded choker circles her neck. A diamond ring and wedding band , and A silver ring, with entwined gem roses sparkles on her left hand. She steps in further, tilting her head up, silver eyes glinting darkly, and dangerously.... Her dual coiled bullwhips, Rattler and Scorpion are everpresent at her hip. She flips her long auburn hair back, one streak of white glints in it.{{App.4, Majesty}} She takes a seat, and then shrugs out of her duster,..folding it over the back of a nearby chair...tugging the red half-top back in place...leaning back, and propping one boot up comfortably.. the spur jingling softly... Kymberly tips the Stetson off her head gracefully, placing it on the chair with her duster, running both hands through her hair, fingers tousling the auburn strands,..she pushes the stray locks away from her face and relaxes...and turns to face you...... "Well, howdy stranger.... Welcome to my humble abode on the world wide praire ya all call the Web... I'm mighty pleased you dropped by.... " Her silver eyes narrow thoughtfully.."What brings a cowpoke like you to see lil ol me? " She grins.... "Curious... Dont tell me Dammy has been telling tales on me again.." She chuckles....." My husband has a tendency to brag a bit where I am concerned... thats his right.. he is my Sire" She bites her lip.. "Well Im assumin` if your here.. you know what I am.... damn Masq can be pretty inconvenient at times anyways... but I aint no damn anarch " She frowns..silver eyes flashing darkly.. " I suppose the best way to get to know me is to come find me... I hang in a right nice lil place... The Cafe... in Richmond, Va... My friends and I hang out there quite a bit..I, my Sire, my Childe, Falkyn.. (small grin) and.. a few other right interestin` folks..Feel free to drop on by... Im sure Ill be in the middle of somethin..."She chuckles darkly.. " I thrive on chaos..... Her silver eyes take you in, studying you carefully... "among other things....." Her laugh follows as she melts back into the shadows.... the last sound you hear is the jingling of a spur........ ( Want
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